

  1. (本田をクローンで10人ほど増やして、、)
  2. Ise-Udon (With no soup http://t.co/qaxIDkj8
  3. I never pray for good luck. I pray always that is not bad luck.
  4. 良い写真だなあ。 RT@tdf86pm91:@jai_an せっ先生!朝っぱらからアドバイスいただきました者です。本当にありがとうございました。焦点を外すことなく おかげ様で助かりました。見も知らずの、小生に対して…感謝いたして http://t.co/EVvMWvdk
  5. @GuyLongworth :)
  6. @GuyLongworth A game is a training for a understanding to a mutual procedure. 2/2 :D
  7. @GuyLongworth An antagonism to a puzzle is not by an expulsion and is made by a readiness. 1/2
  8. @GuyLongworth Perplex a companion, in a game, a behavior from which it separated from a rule purposely is also taken into consideration. :)
  9. @GuyLongworth Although It is a rule, there is certainly an accident in a rule. A prospect and a puzzle. ( Goffman :)
  10. @GuyLongworth ”Someone's rights are someone's responsibilities. ” by Goffman :D
  11. @GuyLongworth How are "a responsibility and right in a game"? :) http://t.co/6MYorbum
  12. A rainy long season http://t.co/1Nc8wqtw
  13. @the_stardust I think that is good. A wide brim. I like black Panama hat in summer. :D
  14. @the_stardust :D
  15. @the_stardust I am also is the problem. I don't want to carry both sunglasses and glasses. :/
  16. @the_stardust I think that you and I need glasses for summer. (Glasses rimless? :)
  17. @the_stardust An mood differs in hair very much. :D
  18. ”Choosing a Sugar Substitute” Chemical Concerns http://t.co/8T8saIBS
  19. ぜんぜん変わってないということか。「初期宇宙は現在に似る 124億光年の銀河観測で」http://t.co/Sxav1BRg
  20. これは昨年10月以降の沈積によるものなのだろうか。それであれば文科省の航空機モニタリングは一回こっきりでなく定期的に実施しなければならないのではないか。
  21. 大島のアシタバからセシウムが出たわけだが、昨年10月の航空機モニタリングで大島は「全く大丈夫」という結果だった。なぜ今検出されているのか?http://t.co/MaT2M4Vs http://t.co/8aRyMZAT
  22. SpecialTwニュース 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvq7hma ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@yoshihyde@kmuramatsu@st7q
  23. 〈science〉 You have grandpa's chromosome tips http://t.co/J7fCla1s
  24. Crazy earthquake 311 by quake monitor http://t.co/ZUjDiOIw now http://t.co/DhqOrZv4
  25. 〈science〉 The electric flour voltage test http://t.co/WEFdCkJt
  26. 〈science〉 FOR KIDS: Candy on the brain http://t.co/vPBPOSGW
  27. @GreenClouds4 :D
  28. @GreenClouds4 It is a good sight. :)
  29. Another new feature. "Do not disturb." lol http://t.co/wj97OYFk
  30. A Buddhist Commandment is strict than Christianity. Therefore, it is not popular in Japan today. (Excluding a funeral
  31. 仏教の十戒:「不殺生(ふせっしょう:殺すな)不偸盗(ふちゅうとう:盗むな)不邪淫(ふじゃいん:不倫するな)不妄語(ふもうご:嘘つくな)不飲酒(ふおんじゅ:酒飲むな)」の五戒に「化粧するな・踊るな歌うな・派手なベッドで寝るな・無駄に喰うな・貯金するな」の五つを足したもの。
  32. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/P6aCbIOo Luchino Visconti's The Stranger (Straniero, Lo 1967)COMPLETE MO
  33. "L'Étranger" of Luchino Visconti is very faithfully to Camus.
  34. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/tSSqV1J5 The Stranger(movie footage) based on Albert Camus' masterpiece

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