

  1. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/PnsyuFXG Patti Smith - Horses
  2. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/a8pB91JV David Bowie - Let's Dance
  3. 〈science〉 At Home in the Universe http://t.co/2j1FDnF5
  4. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/r8O1GFD6 Bee Gees - Words - Live 1971
  5. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/G2JxFAqx (南こうせつと)かぐや姫 もういいじゃないか
  6. Wow! RT@suzybrown: Free Dunkins Day!@Mego51@Rebecca_Romance http://t.co/rHIePHwL
  7. @carriejenkins I think that a deflection is more interesting than a Guggenheim museum. :)
  8. @Kaau:)
  9. このところ、異常な事件があいついでいるが、人類が閾値を超えたかな。
  10. @GuyLongworth I found it. :) http://t.co/DTmMzqHt@raimondiand
  11. 賽銭は「だれかにあげる」のではなく。「そこに捨てる」ものですからね。 RT@ynabe39: トイレの神様にも賽銭箱があれば入れますよ。たしかどこかで入れたことがある。 RT@boxmanboxman: 神様に対してするんですよ。ただし神主や神社を信用しているからお賽銭を略
  12. Divided dusk http://t.co/1YSxUGng
  13. @jai_an このタクシーお薦めです。ベンツも選べますよ。http://t.co/BNG4bOIj
  14. タクシーのが安そう。 RT@jai_an: 月額です。RT@jai_an: 羽田空港の駐車場代だけで四万円もかかる生活をなんとかしたい。
  15. 6 billion years after. What am I doing at that time?
  16. @GuyLongworth Nice icon!
  17. Mysterious movie of Galaxy. http://t.co/H6GrLkdm
  18. Every week, Tokyo shakes on the seismic scale 3-4. It is an earthquake nation's capital.
  19. @piyo_007 Raphael ?
  20. 震度の目印に立ててあるフェルトペンが倒れていなかったから実質震度3。倒れると4以上。
  21. よく揺れた。震度3か。@東京都港区
  22. 日本を狙ってる。 http://t.co/ttmB7cEe
  23. Visualization 2 http://t.co/2d3tPWsX
  24. @the_stardust Orthodox school pretzel !!
  25. A moderate environment is necessary to sink deeply in the thought.
  26. 祈る冥福。また会う、日まで。RT@NHK_PR: 【NHKニュース】歌手の尾崎紀世彦さん 死去 http://t.co/Y4BYX4kr
  27. @ranilillanjum It is very beautiful. It is the different world. :)
  28. つばめおつ RT@kool_mint: よつごのようです。#TwitPict http://t.co/K2xl3lGo
  29. 太古の人が、雷を怒声(天:自然の)と考えたのは容易に想像が付くな。落雷は破壊。つまり噛みつき。カム(神)の発生。かみなりは「神鳴り」。
  30. For example, although we can imagine correctly shape of cube seen yesterday, But we cannot do so of clouds seen yesterday.
  31. An uncertainty of a recognition about a form is based on a structure of a understanding.
  32. Visualization now http://t.co/i68cqoEr
  33. SpecialTwニュース 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvq7hma ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@Sarararah3@hmargulies@daizaburo1956
  34. The Hudson riverside in the late afternoon, Shines golden. RT@yokoono: Imagine painting all the buildings in the city the color of light.
  35. @mahdiab ( I study an English more. ) :)
  36. @mahdiab Oppositely, I divide "Experience" . 1) It is referred to as knowledge. 2) Itself perceive now. The latter is supported at time. 2/2
  37. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/DxqXFfSf Dexter Gordon "Blue Bossa" (1976)
  38. 〈science〉 Quantum teleportation leaps forward http://t.co/f9cvO8Yc
  39. @mahdiab Surely it means that two language is two existence. However, it may be looking at the same mountain from two directions. 1/2
  40. 〈science〉 Milky Way will be hit head-on http://t.co/6Lm4J9ay
  41. @suzybrown It is sad. Just sad. His performance excelled in the 80s. :/
  42. @mahdiab Therefore It has nothing to do with the experience. 2/2 *Probably, My English is quite terrible. :)
  43. @mahdiab The experience referred to is knowledge. Every Alterity. Time is grounds of the existence of oneself not others. 1/2
  44. small earthquake now
  45. @suzybrown I saw the show of Jim Jarmusch & John Lurie when they visited to Japan. "Lounge Lizards". He was looks unique. :)
  46. @suzybrown :)
  47. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/zAfNfV8p Permanent Vacation by Jim Jarmusch - the dance scene
  48. 〈science〉 Poppies make more than opium http://t.co/60ohwFY3
  49. 〈science〉 Treatment helps paralyzed rats walk http://t.co/UyIbwCd6
  50. Nietzsche has brightness of Nietzsche.
  51. "Higher than love to your neighbour is love to the furthest and future ones; higher still than love to men, is love to things and phantoms."
  52. ニーチェは「隣人から遠ざかれ」と言いました。 RT@Shimojiisann: グループ学習で分散した分、学ぶことが希薄化した印象。
  53. @raimondiand I sometimes read his ”The Problems of Philosophy”. There is much implication. :)
  54. 結局、年月というのが最も厳格な教師である気がする。
  55. @raimondiand Russell's rediscovery? :D
  56. @raimondiand ( What kind of idea was it? ) :)

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