

  1. @GuyLongworth Wow! Enjoy!
  2. こういうのを[キリ番主義]って言うんだろうな。 RT@asahi_tokyo: ソフトバンクの小久保選手、きょう2安打で2千安打へあと4本。見えてきましたね! http://t.co/liS0v3kk
  3. Good souvenir. RT@beichstaedt: I needed to buy these Japanese iPhone cases... @ ホテルグランヴィア京都 (Hotel Granvia Kyoto) http://t.co/J7v29zyl
  4. @hinadaichi 日の丸?
  5. 結局、時間が経ってもだめなんだよね。「鹿沼、大田原の野生ワラビ出荷停止」http://t.co/dadjov79@shimotsuke_npさんから
  6. @ranilillanjum IIt is difficult although I sometimes make a bread. That bread of the picture is beautiful. :D
  7. A secret tool http://t.co/V2cbBFUp
  8. ロマンチックだ。 RT@Kelangdbn: 「しあわせ」の意味、ググった…
  9. @ranilillanjum It seems to be very delicious! Is your husband professional?
  10. @GuyLongworth (okay) :)
  11. @GuyLongworth What is a filf?
  12. GLE:[太陽フレアの影響が大気圏内にまで及び、地上における二次宇宙線(多くは中性子)の強度が短時間で急激に上昇する現象はGLEと呼ばれている。]5/17発生 http://t.co/fhucdj7C
  13. え、今日GLE発生したのか。
  14. A heavily cloudy Thursday. My head also becomes cloudy.
  15. SpecialTwニュース 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvuERvk ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@drphilos@ethicalrealism@yoshihyde@kmuramatsu@ali_likhari
  16. 〈science〉 FOR KIDS: Helmet helper http://t.co/VVqyA9Kv
  17. 〈science〉 Coffee gives jolt to life span http://t.co/VZVYnH1E
  18. @surelyburely Probably, a beast which Dante met in woods was such face. :) @radicalidealist@suzybrown @anitaleirfall
  19. 〈science〉 Stellar superflares' trigger challenged http://t.co/RlST1Yqh
  20. @suzybrown You are better to thin a blood concentration of a caffeine. By water supply. :)
  21. @suzybrown Please have a carbonated-water. :)
  22. @PenPendragon Good photos. Pleasing. :)
  23. @taki925 ものすごい何かですね。
  24. Apple Moves Toward Larger iPhone Screens http://t.co/rdC6kzPA
  25. I liked an@YouTube video http://t.co/r4SXjv8G Joe Hisaishi Live Performance - Ashitaka sekki from Mononoke
  26. @roko112 じゃあ泣かない方向で。笑
  27. @roko112 泣いていいよ。
  28. We are not hating contamination area. We are hating just a radiation.
  29. @NHK_PR いつの間にかフォロワー数45万オーバーなんですね。アカウントの媒体力が臨界しそう。
  30. People hope that a Own fault will not be found.
  31. ふと、放射線量から目を背けて産物を供給する生産者の心理は、震災対策を放置する東電の心理と同根ではないかと思い当たるなど。
  32. As for layer of middle and advanced age, They are selfishness and merciful, They are stingy but ability to pay is high.
  33. Sales of high-class cosmetics need consideration for a affluence purchase layer. Middle and Advanced age.
  34. @hiroko22202 ガガさま御用達のマニキュアです。
  35. @hiroko22202 ありがとう。笑
  36. A booth which we supported in this show. http://t.co/xdFpDfC5
  37. 〈science〉 Paralyzed woman grips, sips coffee with robot arm http://t.co/NphAXNya
  38. A "crowd of people" is especially interesting. People are seeking for "Converge" of other persons.
  39. Those who want to show, those who want to look, a visualize, a diplomacy, a stimulus, healing. Each is an interesting research Assets.
  40. Today inspected a trade show. That kind of show is overflowing with human phenomena.
  41. @Haruom1 Happy B-Day!

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