

  1. Definition of a certain word is the last position of a certain thought. The understanding is like sit-in.
  2. すこし良くなりましたか? RT@jai_an: 三日ぶりに風呂に入る。
  3. 理解とは座り込みである。ある言葉の定義が、ある思考の最終地点であるかのように、そこに座り込む。
  4. needs, wants, and hopes.
  5. @mediasres I think so, like the Trinity. :)
  6. Girl's "it's a secret!" has three meanings. Nobody knows it. Everyone knows it. It is a lie.
  7. @mediasres It is surprise as a difference which may be perceived in Reference of memory. 2/2 :)
  8. @mediasres The existence "meets" with the world only in <each>. It is awakening to "now." 1/2
  9. There is a problem in "what is <each>?"
  10. Experience makes a world of the person. The world is corrected by each experience of the person.
  11. I start Word slowly..
  12. I have to write paper about "Experience (accustomed)" by tomorrow...
  13. It is hard to climb a smooth slippery mountain.
  14. The difficulty of an understanding increases in proportion to the object simplicity.
  15. @the_stardust I think you should try to check the "Resumes de Cours College de France" of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. It is easy. :)
  16. @sax346 :)
  17. ∵≠∵
  18. SpecialTwニュース 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvuERvk ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@nchristianh@micanaitoh@jai_an@oxphilsoc@pierrotaram
  19. good http://t.co/PLVZRzcS
  20. 石田徹也作品    http://t.co/Z6DRafgA
  21. @girlinterruptin good script!
  22. Good Tyrannosaurus Rex! RT@studiocorvo: http://t.co/nKCPA4Ij - 切り抜いて左右貼り合せてクリップスタンドなどに固定して、卓上のインテリアとして楽しんでください。たくさん作ってモビールにしても面白いと思います。
  23. @beichstaedt Do you also eat pickled plum? ( うめぼし
  24. Twitterは世界に開かれているのに、なんでみんな日本人しかフォローしないんだろう?
  25. "The Visible and Invisible", In fact, it is not dualism contrast. It is an appropriate description about "the existence".
  26. Great looking! RT@beichstaedt: Spargel Tempura @ Kaito http://t.co/2tqm7uCS
  27. Aristotle distinguished science and experience. Descartes distinguished body and mind. Kant differentiated the awareness to differentiate.
  28. @GuyLongworth I felt the thoughts of Kant. :)
  29. @GuyLongworth I read it with great interest. Is this draft? :)

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