

  1. Because the word does not have a strict meaning to the Dialogue.
  2. The Dialogue are not established if the understanding of the word includes a mistake.
  3. Dialogue is made by some sentences. Sentences is made by some words.
  4. Beauty of leg lines http://t.co/W3YUNqOv
  5. 対話はいくつかの文章でできていて、文章がいくつかの単語でできているのだから、単語についての理解に違いがあれば対話は成立しない。しかしたいていは成立する。それは単語が対話に対してたいした意味を持っていないからだ。
  6. @GuyLongworth It is interesting. I remember "Meinen, Glauben, Wissen." I will read carefully slowly. :)
  7. @kentanakamori いちおういつでも万全です。笑
  8. @kentanakamori そうです。ここ三日は倍増してます。
  9. @kentanakamori 現実に地震増えてます。笑
  10. @kentanakamori 東日本、だいぶ騒がしくなってきました。
  11. 10 Tips for Earthquake Safety http://t.co/7sNjrx6B
  12. @dai_jiro メット大事です。安心感が違います。
  13. 飲料水、食料、および電池類の点検も忘れずに。
  14. 3日前から地震数増加中。特に東日本海域震源のものが多発中。ここ数日要注意。
  15. Attention please to big earthquake.
  16. Japanese Horse race http://t.co/HcV0M1wU
  17. Deep sleep which does not look at dream. : A dry run of death.
  18. 寝ちゃえばいいのに。 RT@jai_an: 体調が悪い時は、目を閉じるに限る。24時間ラジオ三昧。
  19. "surrounding world" "way of de-distancing and directionality can things"
  20. Kant is clear.
  21. "In one word, a full and clear definition ought, in philosophy, rather to form the conclusion than the commencement of our labours." - Kant
  22. "We take from experience nothing more than is requisite to present us with an object of the external or of the internal sense." - Kant
  23. We can not understand the essence of "thing itself (Kant)", We often try to find it by utterance.
  24. まじ。 RT@kit_tabun: まじ? RT@aoinatsunosora: ひとは、自分と同程度の理解しかないひとの著作しか引用できない。
  25. phrenology
  26. I don't so like the brow of Heidegger.
  27. endless rain.
  28. @the_stardust It is seeds of watermelon?
  29. ひとは、自分と同程度の理解しかないひとの著作しか引用できない。
  30. 「われわれはどうすべきか」よりまず「私はどうすべきか」を詰めないと。
  31. Coffee time http://t.co/8QgFB5RW
  32. @yamasancome 周囲がバ○、ってことはないですか?笑
  33. 本当にすごい意見に出会うと、ひとは黙り込む。「言葉が出ない」状態。何日も、何ヶ月も続くときもある。
  34. @tracitoguchi I enjoyed myself in kitchen of home. It was "TEN-ZEN (point-front") that easily manner to enjoy tea at the tea ceremony. :)
  35. 「質素だが決して飽きない造園だ。家屋や庭自体を大きく見せる技が生きている。」に感服した。 RT@jai_an: http://t.co/JJBrwxZb RT@obashuji: 小金井公園行ったことないや
  36. Bias accusation rattles US biosecurity board http://t.co/gzPo5F7s
  37. SpecialTwニュース 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvuERvk ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@theatlassociety@adamvs1
  38. 〈science〉 Underground resistance http://t.co/xmNmTYzG
  39. Instagramへの投稿 http://t.co/W25oKVJN
  40. Instagramへの投稿 http://t.co/p5IFkpHF
  41. 原発作業員にもあげなよ「元警官ら3635人受章 危険業務従事者叙勲」 http://t.co/ZhQs1e5X
  42. @the_stardust It is From 31."Da-sein as Understanding" to 35."Idle Talk".(in "B and T"), I can read as Accept is explained hierarchical.
  43. @the_stardust From paragraph 31 to35 (may be..), It is a section (not division) of ”Internality”. :)
  44. @the_stardust Although the category division was interesting, it was not strict. :)
  45. @the_stardust At Heidegger's "Being and time", Silence was regarded as one of the classes of utterance after all. (I read so. :p
  46. @the_stardust It is important to silence and utterance. :)
  47. @the_stardust Maurice Merleau-Ponty wrote about the "Blank paint (of Cezanne)" in "L’Œil et l’esprit". It is paint without painting.
  48. @the_stardust There is all of Maurice Merleau-Ponty on my bookshelf. :)
  49. @the_stardust Probably Maurice Merleau-Ponty thinks the silence to be the horizon of the utterance.
  50. @the_stardust When we think about "silence", it may be necessary to discuss it about the "need of the utterance". :)
  51. @the_stardust I feel like commenting a lot. not soon. :)
  52. lebendige Gegenwart. It is not difficult.
  53. "living presence" and "not living presence" must be compared.
  54. For example, the depersonalization-related obstacle is accompanied by the loss of the sense of reality. What kind of thing is the lost?
  55. We must declare that we are not a leaf floating on waves.
  56. We must make sure of how the lukewarm reality before eyes fails.
  57. Science is search for the integrity, philosophy is search for the collapse.
  58. The thinking about the essence of Lebenswelt should not be converged on raison d'etre.
  59. 福島県沖がにわかに活発になってきているな。http://t.co/X4uYKBNj
  60. Cat is fearful. http://t.co/BkKU9Uv3
  61. Something is slightly disadvantage.
  62. Tokyo is already Saturday.
  63. 探したら雨力発電あった。Rain Power: Harvesting Energy from the Sky http://t.co/wRt84XAP
  64. @f_ds_ 溜めないで雨つぶの落下エネルギーをなんとか。笑
  65. 雨力発電を開発して欲しい
  66. Cool! RT@GuyLongworth: Fridge#HouseholdPhilosophers
  67. @gpenman It is beautiful.
  68. @taguhiro ぜったい別々のが旨いでしょう。
  69. @kazzwatabe しぶめで良いですな
  70. "Too many cooks apoil the broth." #nhk

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