- If you want to understand the friend, You must not hear talk of the friend. Rather you should watch his eyes.
- Autumn appetite.
- 自殺防止週間、今日からなんだな。「自殺予防週間 - 内閣府」 http://t.co/64YwlLOC
- 身体は世界の仮衣だからなあ。
- あらー RT@kirik: 松下先生が自殺なんかするはずねえな。何かスワップ周りで起きただろ、これ。
- ひとは毎日生まれて毎日死ぬ。
- 目覚めた時に「さて今日はどう生きようかな」とわくわくする。そして「ああ、今日はこう生きたな」と目を細めてそれ眺めながら眠りにつく。
- あらー「時事ドットコム:松下金融相が自殺か=東京」 http://t.co/3nbGhL0S
- SKETCHES OF AN ARCHITECT_2 - 2008 by Gaston Carrio. http://t.co/43H6W6yU
- SpecialTwNews 紙が更新されました! http://t.co/fIvq7hma ▸ 本日トップニュースを提供してくれたみなさん:@danseifunin@boobyn
- @radicalidealist Happy delicious birthday! :D
- The body theory of Maurice Merleau-Ponty is like the knives that cuts well though it is rough.
- Giving my name to the world. It is utterance namely.
- My name does not exist if I do not give my name to the world.
- The world seen by me is not looking at me. I'm always anonymous in the world.
- I'm not included in the world that I'm looking by my eyes. I participate in the world as a viewpoint to watch the world.
- The world is a colander. The fact left in the colander is the history.
- 歴史というのは根拠ではなくて残渣だ。過去は未来の何ものをも支えられない。
- @radicalidealist Did you eat the cake of birthday? :)
- ' Mars clays may have volcanic source http://t.co/6s2Gq9nW
- Living in your art - http://t.co/9ZX9PDZa http://t.co/hE9f7WJt
- There were a lot of girls like Patti Smith in old times.
- 笑った。 RT@1000favs_: Q:あなたが学生時代一番打ち込んだものはなんですか。 A:wキー 0omitsukio0 500favs
- TSNN News - Free Webinar on Internet Connectivity Issues; Vote NOW for “Best of Show”; Nominations Open for Favo... http://t.co/7NZwDkdQ
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